Virtuoso Voices Fundraiser

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    Date(s) - 02/24/2024
    11:30 am - 1:30 pm


    The Choctaw Bay Music Club of Niceville is excited to invite you to the Virtuoso Voices 20th Annual Scholarship Fundraiser Brunch on Saturday, February 24th, at Crosspoint United Methodist Church, 214 Partin Dr. South, Niceville in the Fellowship Hall beginning at 11:30 AM.

    Virtuoso Voices Scholarship Fundraiser along with the Jan Miller Studio Artists of the Pensacola Opera will present an engaging theatrical show by their talented artists in residency with professional singing and acting for most all ages to enjoy. The money raised is for the worthy cause of supporting our upcoming musically talented youth in their endeavors to develop into fine musicians for generations to come.

    Some people remember this event as the “Opera Brunch.” This year, the club decided to change the fundraisers’ name to better reflect the presentation. Virtuoso Voices is fun filled with attention grabbing singing, drama, laughter, live music, comedy, and emotion, to lift your heart and spirit. The artists in residence share the story line behind each song to actively engage the listener before they perform. Last year, $10,500 was awarded to deserving students for college, high school senior awards, and summer music camp scholarships.

    This years’ theme centers around the show “Die Fledermaus” by Johann Strauss which combines light-hearted comedy with bright and beautifully precise musical motifs, producing a performance which is a joy to watch. Excerpts from this show and from others will be performed.

    A fun raffle will be held during the first part of the event and winners are announced/presented towards the end. Local businesses and private donors contribute a variety of raffle items such as gift cards, wine, fine chocolates, artwork, interior decor, personal services, and event tickets. Raffle tickets are (1 for $1, 7 for $5, 15 for $10) and will be for sale (cash or personal check) during the luncheon.

    Please join us at Virtuoso Voices for an exceptional experience of theatre, singing, food, and fun that’s designed for all ages to enjoy as we support our local young aspiring musicians.

    Tickets are $40 for adults and $25 for students and may be reserved/purchased by calling or texting Karen or Phillip LeGrand at 850.527.4200 or 850.855.0068. Tickets may also be purchased online at Event Brite. For more information, visit the club’s website under the events tab at